Daily Bible Verses for 1/1/2017
Daily Verse(s)
We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace.
Reading Notes
Once we become children of God, our home residence changes. With the guarantee of salvation which is given to us freely by our faith in Jesus, we become sojourners in this world and gain residence in God’s kingdom. We become strangers to this world because our residence is now in Heaven with Jesus who is coming soon to take us home to be with Him. One of the great lies of this world, developed by Satan the father of lies, is that this world is all there is. That this time we have now is everything, the most important part of our existence. And to truly live life, we have to think only of ourselves and go for everything we can obtain here and now while we can. Dear believer that is not true, the life we live here and now, is just the smallest piece of eternity. Our lives here and now, is just the beginning of the eternity which lies ahead of us. This life we live is much too small for us to get the larger picture.
If we focus only on ourselves, we lose sight of what lies ahead and the most important part of our eternal existence. If we could take the next ten thousand years and somehow compress it into a twenty-four hour period, our lives here would take up just the first six to eight minutes of that twenty-four hour period. The rest of the time would be spent in eternity, either with Jesus or forever separated from Him. Knowing this we should focus on our true home, the place where we’ll spend the rest of eternity and focus on our Lord who made it possible for us! Living a life just for self, swallowed up by greed and envy is the surest way to self-destruction. And Satan and this fallen world know that! And that’s why they promote it so heavily in the world culture today. Remember Satan’s only goal is our destruction now, followed by our separation from God for all eternity. Satan knows he will spend eternity in hell separated from God and everything else. Therefore, his only goal today is to separate as many people as he can from Christ. Why? So they will spend eternity in Hell with him, forever separated from the love of God.