Daily Bible Verses for 9/25/2016
Bible Verse
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Reading Notes
What God’s word is telling us, is to carefully consider our actions as we live our day to day lives. Carefully consider the intentions of our heart and our willingness to live a life pleasing to God. To cherish the Lord along with the desire to repent of our sins, and to seek after the Lord with all our hearts. Because of our love for the Lord, we naturally seek to glorify Christ in our day to day lives. Our salvation is all about relationship! It’s all about the condition of our hearts toward Jesus and our relationship with Him through faith alone. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we restore our relationship with God. A relationship, which was broken by sin. Through our faith in Christ, we can now come before a holy God as our heavenly Father. This is because, by faith we are adopted into the family of God as children of God. In other words, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, believing that He is who He claimed to be, that is, fully God and fully man, then we receive salvation and we become children of God.
And more than children, we become joint heirs with Jesus in the kingdom of God. Through our faith in Christ, we receive the guarantee of eternity spent in His presence. Therefore, once we have received salvation, we need to live our lives on a daily basis building our relationship with God through prayer, the study of His word and through submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This includes time spent with the Lord and in fellowship with other believers. This is important because with our adoption comes the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who begins God’s process of spiritual growth in us. A growth which changes us from the inside out. The Holy Spirit helps us to grow in God’s wisdom, because He helps us to better understand God’s word in light of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. And when we walk with Christ on a daily basis, we accelerate and strengthen the process of spiritual growth carried out by the Holy Spirit in us. We have to remember God’s will is that everyone spend eternity with Him, and it’s to that end that Jesus calls us to Himself.