Daily Bible Verses for 7/29/2016
Bible Verse
And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.
Reading Notes
Dear believers, we are the stones which build the spiritual house of God as well as His physical house the church. Each of us different and serving a specific purpose. Each one of us designed for a specific purpose by God, because each one of us were in the thoughts and the heart of God before the foundations of the world were laid in place. And through the Holy Spirit, each of us is integrated into the body of Christ as part of our inheritance, given to us as a result of our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Together we share in the lives of each other, becoming one in the body of Christ. Every one of us has been equipped especially by God in a unique way for His service and together we form the church body.
Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit has equipped each one of us specifically and uniquely to serve one another and to spread the Good News of salvation through Christ alone, by faith alone. God’s gift to us is the forgiveness of sins and eternal life through the blood Jesus shed for us at the Cross of Calvary. The privilege of our position in Jesus is our access to God, as children of God by faith. Therefore, we offer back to God our hearts as we build our relationship with God through prayer, the study of His word and by submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And because of the love we have for Jesus, we serve others with joy in our hearts as we are directed by the Holy Spirit. Our serving and helping of others is for the glory of God, the love we have for Jesus and the joy of saving souls lost in this fallen world.