Daily Bible Verses for 2/14/2017
Daily Verse(s)
Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.
Reading Notes
We live in a fallen world, this means a world which because of the fall has wickedness, chaos, disease and death. In addition, Jesus told us we would have tribulations in this life, that we would have trials because of our faith in Him. Jesus also told us that this world which is in darkness hated Him. After which He reminded us that if the world hated Him, it will hate those who follow Him all the more. Dear believer, we live in a world at enmity against God. Moreover, we ourselves were dead in our trespasses and sins and at enmity with God. However, through God’s mercy and grace we placed our faith in Jesus. And through Him, we have become alive to God, we have become children of God because of our faith in Christ Jesus our Lord. We too were once souls at enmity against God and part of the fallen world. However, because of the work of God in us, we have become children of God adopted into the family of God, by our faith in Christ.
Moreover, we have been called by God to help save others who are trapped in darkness, by submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as we seek those who are lost as we were. Because of what Jesus did for us, we know that our wealth is made up of the spiritual blessings which we receive because of the Holy Spirit’s work in us. Our riches are the rewards we receive as part of the eternal life given to us by Christ through faith. This means, we are to no longer seek after the things of this world. We are not to seek after treasures from a world which hates the Lord and hates those who follow Christ. Rather, we are to be wise and understand the schemes of Satan. Satan loves for us to pervert the Gospel of Christ, to have us believe in worldly things and seek material riches rather than the things of God. Our hearts desire, should be to tell others about Jesus and Him crucified! Our joy should be to use our time, talents and resources to spread the Gospel and not to store up treasures on earth for ourselves, why? Because God never promised us wealth in this world! Instead, Jesus told us to give to those in need, help the hurting, seek the lost and spread the Good News of salvation in His name.