Daily Bible Verses for 6/1/2016
Bible Verse
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Reading Notes
As Paul nears the end of his letter to the Romans, he is now beginning a section which deals with the practical application of Christian teaching as it relates to the daily life of the believer. As he reaches this section of scripture he is reminding his readers that they have reached a new period in their lives. This new period is brought about because their spiritual condition has changed, and this is true for us as well. Our relationship toward God has changed because of Jesus, who He is and what He has done for us. Jesus reconciles us to God the Father. We were once in darkness and sin, separated from God. Moreover, our spirit was also dead in trespasses and sins. However, through our faith in Christ, we received new life. Our spirit which was dead in trespasses and sins, has been replaced by a new spirit which is alive to God and the things of God. In addition, our salvation also brings with it the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Because of grace and the saving work of Jesus on the Cross of Calvary, we have now entered the light. Through faith we enter into the kingdom of God as children of God and joint-heirs with Christ. And as such the time for action is now. It’s no longer appropriate to ignore the things of God. Instead, we are to shake off the spiritual darkness and apathy. And through faith we are to step out and let the Holy Spirit do a work in our lives. The Holy Spirit carries out God’s work of spiritual growth in us, called “sanctification,” which last from the moment of our salvation, until we go home to be with the Lord. Therefore, our salvation confirms that the period of night characterized by spiritual depravity is gone and the daytime of Jesus’ rule in our lives is at hand. And knowing His imminent return is near we are to be about the Father’s business and not wandering around on the outskirts of the darkness of this world. This means, we are to be using the time, talents and resources God has given us to help those in need, strengthen those who need to be strengthened and taking the Gospel of Christ to those who are lost.